Case Study

Revolutionizing Marketing with Referrizer:
Elevate Your Business with Evolutionary Automation

SmartJen empowers students to go through their learning journeys easily, check results, and track their achievements via a customizable dashboard. Teachers can create and manage students’ lists, groups, and worksheets with assignments, track course completion, and compliance. With a collaborative approach, parents are granted access to have control over their children’s learning processes.


SmartJen came to Northell to improve their existing web platform by suggesting new and advanced features to make the user experience more seamless. Furthermore, SmartJen’s existing website was required to be updated and redesigned according to new design trends and best practices.


Create a new web portal with to navigate, simple user interface, coupled with color scheme and modules matching the brand colors and latest design trends incorporated to give SmartJen a modern, but trustworthy look and feel.


Increase in Traffic

Development of a new web portal with a simple user interface, coupled with color scheme and modules matching the brand colors and latest design trends incorporated to give a modern, but trustworthy look and feel.

Design Process

We were equipped with a clear vision of SmartJen’s unique value proposition thanks to versatile users and market research. Evaluating the problems of the existing platform we realized how to make customers’ journeys more convenient and smooth and improve user flows. Considering the challenges of students and teachers in their remote learning management operations we embodied the vision leveraging the following steps:



Stage 1.

Product Technical Documentation

During this stage, we collected all the relevant information from our client to develop a product as per his expectation and requirements. We wrote technical documentation and chose technical stacks: React.js and Node.js.

At this stage, we defined the requirements for functionality (requirements for the admin panel) and user roles (admin and super admin). We also finalized the estimate and scope of work.

Stage 2.


Our front-end developers were responsible for the client side of the application. Back-end developers were responsible for API and database development. We tested every new feature released. The DevOps team worked on the CI/CD process.


Stage 3.


QA engineers tested all delivered code and carried out manual testing for developed components.

Stage 4.

Product Deployment and Integration

After the development and regression testing from the QA team, we switched to production deployment and integration. The tested version of the product was delivered to the users for beta testing. The team collected user feedback, fixed all the bugs, and implemented some improvements.


Case Study

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